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Billeting Information

Billeting / Hosting


Billeting is an essential part of the Fox Motors Hockey Club.  Our student-athletes are between the ages of 15 and 18.  Becoming a host family to a player allows these young players the opportunity to pursue their goals of playing hockey at a AAA level. They will be surrounded by experienced Coaches and a phenomenal community of staff and families that share their passion for hockey. 

As a host family, you will welcome a player into your home and provide a warm environment during their season (Late August-June). Often these players become like family! 

We welcome hockey families, parents with young children, singles, couples or retirees.  We work to match each player and host for a fit that will be great for everyone. 

As a host family you can expect:

  • A monthly stipend of $400 to help offset costs

  • A billeting point of contact for any questions or concerns. Coaches are also actively involved and always willing to help if needed

  • Players will provide their own transportation. We coordinate homes so that transportation will not be a burden. 

  • Host families are required to create agreed-upon house rules in the contract we provide with the Billet player and their families. This establishes a great start to the season, so everyone knows what to expect for the home. 

  • Students attend school Monday-Friday, unless away for a game. Some will have school online, while others apply to our TPH academy at Southside Arena. 

Ideal host families

  • Live in a reasonable distance to our home rink, Southside Ice Arena

  • Would be interested in hosting player or two. Often players enjoy the comradery away from home.

  • Will occasionally attend a home game. These players will love to have your support! 

  • Be a guide, mentor and be a good role model to these players away from home.


Billet Family Form

Fill out the questionaire to requests more information and connect with our Billet Coordinator.

Frequently Asked Questions about Billeting a Player

What is a billet family?

Many players leave home to play AAA hockey. A billet or host family home is where a player lives during the season. This is a player’s home-away-from-home.

Are billet families paid?

A pre-established fee of $400 per player per month is paid directly to the billet family. This helps with additional household expenses like room and board. Billet families are asked to provide three meals per day and snacks for their players. Billet players and families are responsible for an extra special accommodations.

Is there a “typical” host family?

Host families may be two-parent families, single-parent families, and occasionally an “empty nester.” The common denominator is a desire by the family to make a difference in a player’s life.

Can a family host more than one player?

Yes. Two (or more) players can share transportation expenses, and often provide company for one another. The only requirement is that each player has adequate space/living arrangements. Each player is expected to have his own bed, closet or dresser, and acceptable access to a restroom.

How long does a player stay?

Players arrive in mid-August. The host family commitment is through the end of the hockey season. Sometimes an arrangement is made between the player’s family and the billet family for the player to stay until the end of the school semester; however, this is rare.

Who pays if a player is injured or needs medical attention during his stay?

Players must have medical insurance from their own families. Billet parents are never responsible for medical payments. 

Who pays for the billet players traveling costs for away games?

Player's families are responsible for securing arrangements for hotel rooms while the players are traveling. Ways to organize away games prior to travel should be discussed between the families. 

Will players join our family for personal events?

You are welcome to invite players to join you for family celebrations or activities; however, it is not mandatory for you to do so. All players will have time off at the holidays and often travel home. 

Will I have to pass a background check and what are the requirements?

Yes, the MAHA requires background screenings for billet families along with Safesport certification as well. You will also need a USA hockey number. 

Importance of the Billet Family

The efforts of the billet families make a significant difference in the lives of the young men and women who have left their homes and families to pursue a dream.

Billeting players is a tradition unique to hockey and plays a key role in the development and success of the player.

It involves families who open their homes to out-of-state players and provide an opportunity for these young men and women to pursue the next step in their developing careers.

We are looking for families to provide a comfortable living environment for our players as they transition away from their parents’ homes for the first time in their young lives. Our staff will be in constant contact with you throughout the season to make sure everything is going well! 

Christine Maleport

Billet Coordinator

Thank you from our Players